LOT 1: Glory of the Italian Printing Presses: Two Sections of the Machzor per the Custom of Rome, First Edition of Kimcha DeAvishuna and the Sforno - Bologna, 1540. Many Glosses. Machzor per the Custom of Rome, First Edition of two important commentaries: Kimcha DeAvishuna, a comprehensive ...
LOT 2: Incunable: Shut Harosh - First Edition, Kushta, 1517 Glosses by Rabbi Yaakov Bardugo and More. Incomplete Copy. Shut Harosh - by Rabbeinu Asher ben Rabbi Yechiel of Paris, one of the Rishonim. A most important basic halachic book. First edition - Kushta, 1517 - incunable. [190] leaves ...
LOT 3: Sefer HaShorashim by the Radak. Venice 1547-8, with artistically rendering parts filled in where missing. Sefer HaShorashim by Rabbi David Kimchi (the Radak), one of the Rishonim. An important, foundational work in Hebrew grammar, organized alphabetically, first written as the second part of ...
LOT 4: Sefer Yesod: Yafeh Mar’eh. First edition from the author’s lifetime. Venice 1590. Yafeh Mar’eh, commentaries and chiddushim on agadot of the Yerushalmi, by Rabbi Shmuel Yafeh Ashkenazi (1525-1595), Rabbi of the Ashkenazi community in the Ottoman Empire, author of the foundational commentary to ...
LOT 5: Extremely Rare! Kesef Nivchar by Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto - First Edition Damascus 1605-1696. Sefer Kesef Nivchar, on Bereshit, Shemot and Vayikra, by Rabbi Yoshiyahu ben Yosef Pinto the Rif or Harav Hamusmach (see below). Single edition - the Press of the brothers Yitzchak and Yaakov the sons of ...
LOT 6: Rare! Sefer Ysod: Shut Maharanach. First edition, Istanbul 1610(?). First section of the responsa from Eliyahu N. Chaim”, known as “Shut Maharanach”. Approximately 1610 (the title page features the Sultan Ahmed, who was king around that time. See M. Benayahu, Turkish printings which are actually ...
LOT 7: Kli Chemda – second edition, rare. Prague 1610. Sefer Kli Chemda on the Torah, by Rabbi Shmuel ben Avraham Laniado, called the “Baal HaKelim” after his various works: Kli Yakar on Neviim, Kli Paz on Isaiah, and additional works. Second edition. 268, [8] leaves. Catalogued as rare by the NLI. ...
LOT 8: Sefer Yesod: Perush Etz Shatul on the Sefer Ikarim, with the approbation of the Maharsha and the Shla and other gedolim. First edition, Venice 1618. Sefer Ikarim, a foundational work on Jewish thought and principles of Emunat Yisrael, through in-depth research, by Rabbi Yosef Albo, one of the ...
LOT 9: Rare! Complete set of the Levush. Venice 1620. All four sections of the Levush, a work by Rabbi Mordechai Yafeh on the Arba Turim. The author lived in the 15th century and named it after the verse at the end of Megillat Esther: “And Mordechai left from before the king dressed in malchut ...
LOT 10: Rare in the original parchment binding: “Dictionary Ma’arich HaMa’arachot” by the converted Jew (mumar) Philip Daquin. First edition, Paris 1629. Dictionarium Absolutissimum, “including leket, shichecha, and pe’ah, all the words from all the roots, edited and explained in an easy format ...
LOT 11: Rare! With the Additional Title Page - Chalukei Avanim by Rabbi David Lida - First Edition - Furt, 1693. Sefer Chalukei Avanim, an interesting book on Rashi's Chidushim that do not appear in the other commentaries. By Rabbi David ben Arie Leib Lida Av beis Din of Amsterdam (1632?-1696). First ...
LOT 12: Complete Set in Leather-Covered Wooden Bindings with Remnants of Buckles - The Basic Edition of the Rif of Our Generation Amsterdam 1720. A complete set including all sections of Hilchot Rav Alfas on the Shas by Rabbeinu Yitzchak Alfasi, an edition based on the Sabbioneta 1554 edition, with many ...
LOT 13: Complete set, pretty: Tanach Kehilot Moshe (Mikra’ot Gedolot) – Amsterdam, 1724-28. Complete set of the Sefer Kehilot Moshe, known better by its later name “Mikraot Gedolot”, an expanded edition including various commentaries some of which were added for the first time around the Chumash. ...
LOT 14: Pretty copy in the original leather binding: Prayers for moadim. Amsterdam 1726. Seder Tefilot HaMoadim “following the minhag of the Sfardim”, for Pesach, Shavuot, Sukkot, and Simchat Torah, edited by Rabbi Shmuel Rodriguez Mendez. 175 leaves. Catalogued as rare by the NLI. Pretty copy in ...
LOT 15: Rare and pretty in original bindings: Complete set of Tanach. Amsterdam 1732. Four volumes containing the entire Tanach. Attias printing, Amsterdam. Catalogued by the NLI as rare. 1. Tikkun Sefer Torah: [1], 184 leaves. 2. First Prophets: 140 leaves. 3. Last Prophets: 141-284 leaves. 4. ...
LOT 16: Magnificent art! A wonderful copy with the original handmade binding - Yesod: Shot HaTashbetz—first edition, Amsterdam, 1738-1739 With all 7 cover pages. A four-part book, Questions and Answers by Rabbi Shimon Bar Tzemach Duran - First Edition Amsterdam - 1738-1739. Wit the original, rare ...
LOT 17: Pretty copy in the original parchment binding, with the author’s signature: Mohar Yisrael, a Dutch-Hebrew dictionary. Amsterdam 1741. Thick volume entitled Mohar Yisrael, in Dutch: De bruidschat Israels, of, Onderwys der Hebreeuwsche spraak -kunst : met twee bygevoegde woordenboeken / opgestelt ...
LOT 18: Glosses Handwritten by the Gaon Rabbi Yosef Zvi Hirsch Av Beis Din of Drohobych on Sefer Beit Lechem yehuda - Furth 1747. "Ateret Zvi Sefer beit Lechem yehuda which is a new commentary on the words of the Geonim and Acharonim on Shulchan Aruch of Tur Yoreh Deah" by Rabbi Zvi Hirsch ben rabbi ...
LOT 19: Copy owned by the Imrei Binah and Rabbi Nissim Ashkenazi: Shut Lev Same’ach, only edition, Salonika 1793. The top of the title page has the name of the book written as: “Peticha Shut from the Rav baal Lev Same’ach”—Shut Lev Same’ach, by Rabbi Avraham Aligri, author of the Lev Same’ach on the ...
LOT 20: The Copy of the Malbim with his Handwritten Corrections: Sefer Hatrumah - Early and rare Edition Zholkva, 1811 had belonged to Additional rabbis . Sefer Hatrumah, a basic halachic book by Rabbi Baruch ben Yitzchak of Worns, one of the Rishonim. Second edition (the first was published in Venice ...
LOT 21: Foundational work: the Noda B’Yehuda, tanina edition, 2 sections. First edition, Prague 1811. Sefer Noda B’Yehuda, halachic tshuvot on the 4 sections of the Shulchan Aruch, by the gaon Rabbi Yehezkel Segal Landau, Av Beit Din of Prague. This edition prints all of the tshuvot to questions ...
LOT 22: Set of first editions of the Chumash and Siddur HaRoveh (Torat Moshe)—Redelheim 1818-21. Chumash and siddur Torat Moshe, complete set. With Yiddish translation and the exegesis Mincha Chadasha, edited by the gaon Rabbi Wolf bar Shimshon Ish Heidenheim (the Roveh). Unique, extremely important ...
LOT 23: Handsome copies in the original bindings: Tanach with Ladino commentary. Vienna 1841-2. 2 volumes containing 2 sections of the Tanach with adjacent Ladino translation on facing columns. Printed in Vienna, part 1 in 1841 ([4], 389, [1] leaves) and part 2 in 1842 (359 leaves). Handsome (worn) ...
LOT 24: Handsome, numbered facsimile – Bird’s Head Haggadah, by Machon Betzalel, Vienna 1965. Well-preserved, pretty copy. Pesach Haggadah, a colorful, artistic publication—a facsimile copy true to the original, the famous Bird’s Head haggadah of the 13th century. Incorporates illustrations of figures ...
LOT 25: Rare for its condition: complete set of the Talmud Bavli in the original bindings—Sheerit HaPlita, Munich 1948. Talmud Bavli, complete set, including the halachot of Rav Elfas (the Rif), “published by the Vaad Agudat HaRabbanim in the American Zone of Germany, with the support of the US army ...
LOT 26: Exciting: A Small, Light Sefer Torah with an Original Soviet Stamp - Left the USSR with Permission - Interesting Decorations. A small-sized Sefer Torah, scribal script on parchment - Ashkenazic script according to the Beis Yosef custom. Fine, eloquent, mostly uniform script. Without Vavei ...
LOT 27: Sefer Torah in “Velish” script. German, end of the 18th century (approx.). Sefer Torah, sofer script on parchment. Ashkenazi script following the Beit Yosef minhag (Velish: typical Sefardi script of Western Europe, a style popular among Ashkenazim influenced by the Sefardi Expulsion). Pretty ...
LOT 28: Sefer Torah on Bright Gvil Sephardic Script - North Africa, the 10th Century . Sefer Torah on bright Gvil (parchment), Sephardic scribal script per the custom of Oriental Jewry. Uniform script. Height of Gvil: 53 cm. Height of script: 38 cm. 42 lines. Varied corrections, is not sold as Kosher. ...
LOT 29: Unusually Large Megillat Esther on Gvil - The Ottoman Empire, Early 20th Century. Megillat Esther, scribal script on (mostly) dark Gvil. Fine, uniform large script - Sephardic script per the Sephardic custom - the Ottoman Empire, early 20th century. The height of the Gvil is unusually large for ...
LOT 30: Wall Plaque of a Synagogue in Ancona with a Special Piyyut that was Written after being Saved from an Earthquake and was Donated by the Grandson of the Remez Rabbi Shmuel Shmaya Papo - Italy, 1869. A touching, lengthy, rhymed poem, in fine scribal script on a wall plaque - written for Ancona ...
LOT 31: Fine miniature Manuscript on Parchment - Techinot for Women, Some of Them of Rare Content - Italy, the 17th/18th Century. Miniature manuscript on parchment, fine uniform Italian script. Contains a collection of varied Techinot for women: for offspring, lighting the candles, Viduy and Seder ...
LOT 32: Fine Calligraphic Manuscript Kavanot, Prayers and Piyyutim - Italy, 1809 with Decorated Title Pages. Manuscript, on the title page: "Seder Kavanot Shofar in short ... Viduy and prayers, Birkas Cohanim, Tachanunim, Mizmorim and other Kavanos". Fine Italian script integrated with artistic square ...
LOT 33: Historic: a pinkas (booklet) of the Etz Chaim yeshiva in Jerusalem, with a summary of correspondence with around 1000 donors, mainly from the USA. Many interesting details. Jerusalem, 1930s-40s. Historic and exciting: a huge, thick booklet, a summary of correspondence between the Etz Chaim ...
LOT 34: Fine Manuscript: Tiklal Baladi Version - Yemen, the 18th Century with Color Decorations. Manuscript, handwritten by an expert scribe. Tiklal for the Mo'adim with instructions for the prayer. Begins with Aravit for Rosh Hashana to the end of the Yom Kippur prayers, Sukkot, Shmini Atzeret ...
LOT 35: Pretty manuscript: Chumash, parshahs with targum. Central Yemen, mid-19th century. Large manuscript, chumash Bereishit and Shmot with Onkelus and Tafsir (Rav Sa’adiya Gaon), in Arabic, with Rashi’s commentary. Mikra and targum are both with niqqud. Yemenite script, pretty and good pagination. ...
LOT 36: Tiklal Manuscript Baladi Version - Sanaa, Early 19th Century . Tiklal for all year round, Baladi version. Includes Hanukkah, Purim, Shalosh Regalim, Tisha BeAv, Seder Ashmorot, Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Simchat Torah, Slichot "Nachad Elrachamaim" and Hoshanot. The version of the Hakafot for the ...
LOT 37: Tiklal Manuscript, Shami Version - Southern Yemen? The 19th/20th Century. Manuscript written by a non-professional scribe, possibly even by a young man. Contains the Rosh Hashana prayers with the Piyyut Achot Ktanah and markings of the blowing of the Shofar, Yom Kippur prayers, Seder Leil Pesach ...
LOT 38: Delightful Treasure! Fine Manuscript of Sefer Hazohar, 2 Volumes - Yemen, the 17th Century. Early Copying of Rare Extent. Two handwritten volumes containing the Sefer Hazohar by the Divine Tana Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai. The sections of Bereshit and Shemot. Copied after the first edition (Mantova ...
LOT 39: Rare and Special! Fine manuscript of Sefer Sha'arei Orah, a Basic Kabbalistic Book - Yemen, late 17th Century. Manuscript, copying of Sefer Sha'arei Orah - an early Kabbalistic composition by the great Kabbalist Rabbi Yosef Gikatilla . Fine, uniform Yemenite script. On the margins of the sheet ...
LOT 40: Rare: Kabbalistic Manuscript that had no been Printed, Autograph of an Unknown Author - Eastern Countries, ca. 18th Century. Rare and special Kabbalistic manuscript, in fine oriental script, ca. 18th century. Written in one of the Eastern countries. Throughout the manuscript, combinations of ...
LOT 41: Fine Manuscript from which the Shut Chok UMishpat by Rabbi Chaim Toledano was Printed - North Africa, ca. 1930. In 1931, Shut Chok UMishpat on Even HaEzer, Choshen Mishpat and Yoreh Deah by Rabbi Chaim Toledano was printed in Fes, Morocco. The author's grandsons, including Rabbi Raphael Baruch ...
LOT 42: Copy with yichus and notes: Knesset HaGedolah by Rabbi Chaim Benvenisti. Early edition, rare. Furth 1692. Sefer Knesset HaGedolah on Choshen Mishpat, by Rabbi Chaim Benvenisti. Second edition, Furth 1692. 196 leaves. Leaf 192 is bound out of place. Catalogued by the NLI as rare. No binding ...
LOT 43: Father of the Chida: self-dedication signed by Rabbi Yitzhak Zerachya Azoulay, on the work Shut Divrei Emet. Istanbul 1760. Shut Divrei Emet by Rabbi Yitzhak Becher David. The title page has a self-dedication handwritten and signed by Rabbi Yitzhak Zerachya Azoulay, a rabbi of Jerusalem and the ...
LOT 44: Stamps and Notations Handwritten by Rabbeinu the Sdei Chemed Rabbi Chaim Hezekiah Medini: Sefer Minchat Moshe - First Edition, Warsaw 1882. Sefer Minchat Moshe by the Gaon of Jerusalem Rabbi Moshe Nachum Yerushalimski, Warsaw - 1882. A copy that had belonged to the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Hezekiah ...
LOT 45: Eulogy drash for tzaddikim, handwritten by the Resh Galusa of Bavel, the Ben Ish Hai. Leaves of segulah. 20 handwritten leaves from Rabbeinu Yosef Chaim of Baghdad, the Ben Ish Hai. A drash with a eulogy for Rabbi Elisha Yosef, Adar 1894. At the beginning he notes that the drash was already ...
LOT 46: Complete drash handwritten by the Kaf HaChaim. Drash for Parshat Ki Tisa, written entirely by hand by Rabbi Yaakov Chaim Sofer, author of the monumental work the Kaf HaChaim. A complete drash with words of mussar and agadot from chazal, quotes from gedolim of earlier generations, incorporating ...
LOT 47: Kabbalistic chiddushim handwritten by the kabbalist Rabbi Yehuda Patya. Leaf with handwritten Mizrahi script, pretty and uniform. Written by Rabbi Yehuda Patya. Contains deep ballistictic chiddushim, with an exegesis on the verse: “and the mother lays upon her chicks…”. Excerpt from a larger ...
LOT 48: “For your benefit and a lengthening of your days” – handwritten leaf from the Sandlar HaKadosh with a quote from Sefer HaChezyonot by the Maharhav. Leaf handwritten from Rabbi Moshe Yaakov Revikov, known as the Sandlar HaKadosh. Titled with verse Deut. 22:7 (‘thou shalt in any wise let the ...
LOT 49: Collection of leaves handwritten and signed by the Chassidic kabbalist Rabbi Shimon Englander, including a “Luach Tikkun Ta’ut [Table correcting errors] and Petach HaShaar [introduction]” for his well-known work Shaar Shimon on the Chassidic kabbalistic work Brit Kehunat Olam. Collection of ...
LOT 50: Sefer Yesod: Megaleh Amukot, first printing. Krakow 1637. Partially missing copy. Sefer Megaleh Amukot, a unique kabbalist work explaining in 252 manners Moshe’s prayer in Parshat Ve’etchanan. By the Ashkenazi kabbalist (one of the first) Rabbi Natan Neta Shapira, Av Beit Din of Krakow. First ...
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