LOT 101: Shadar letter for a kolel shaliach by Chabad Hevron and Jerusalem, Rabbi Shaul father of the Shaulson family, 1857. With the additional handwritten recommendation and signature of Rabbi Haim Palagi, and more. A rare shadrut letter given to the Shadar Rabbi Shuel Brima”t Ashkenazi, father of the ...
LOT 102: Kadosh v’Nora: Leaf handwritten by Rabbi David Shlomo Eibeschitz, author of the Levushei Srad and the Arvei Nahal. Leaf written on both sides by the Admor Rabbi David Shlomo Eibeschitz. A copy of nusach from the Sefer Simla Chadasha, around which is an autograph of his commentary on the ...
LOT 103: "ברכת ה' תעשיר" Handwritten by the Buchacher Rav: Extremely Rare - Leaf with Chidushei Torah Handwritten by Maran the Chassid Gaon Rabbi Avraham David of Buchach the Author of the Eshel Avraham. Manuscript on Aggadah and Drush handwritten by Posek hador, the Chassid Gaon Rabbi Avraham David ...
LOT 104: Segulah and kedusha: manuscript of the Admor kabbalist Heichal Bracha of Komarna. Part of his commentary on mishnayot. Leaf written on both sides in a cramped style—handwriting of the Admor Rabbi Yitzhak Isaac Saprin of Komarna, the Heichal Bracha. Contains part of his comprehensive commentary ...
LOT 105: Holy of holies, for the first time at auction: a filament of straw from the bed of the Rebbe Elimelech of Luzhansk. “For preservation, blessing, and success”, for the first time at auction, a piece of straw upon which the Tzaddik Rabbi Elimelech of Luzhansk slept. A thin piece of straw, 1cm ...
LOT 106: Third generation after Rabbeinu the Divrei Chaim of Sanz: a letter with interesting content from Rabbi Naftali Halberstam, Avdak of Chrzanów. During World War I. Karlsbad 1915. Letter from Rabbi Naftali Halberstam, Avdak of Chrzanów, son of Rabbi David Halberstam of Chrzanów. From ...
LOT 107: Rare and unique: letter written entirely by hand and signed by Rabbi Menachem Brody of Kalov. Mentioning the Admor Rabbi Yaakov Moshe of Komarna. 1915. “for the honor of the Torah and the honor of our holy fathers” – a recommendation letter for the Admor Rabbi Yaakov Moshe of Komarna, written ...
LOT 108: Letter written by hand and signed by the Admor Rabbi Meshulam Feivush Halperin (the 2nd), Av Beit Din of Berezhany. Prague 1917. “For a long time I have been wandering from my hometown and residence because of the sword of war that is passing through our country” – a letter from the Admor ...
LOT 109: Letter for a Good Year with Fascinating Personal Family Content by the Admor Rabbi Ben Zion Yehuda Leib Twersky of Hornosteipel - First Day of Selichot. Letter on a letterhead, handwritten and signed by the Admor Rabbi Ben Zion Yehuda Leib Twersky of Hornosteipel, from "The first day of ...
LOT 110: Rabbeinu's Great Modesty in a Wonderful Letter: Letter Handwritten Entirely and Signed by the Admor Rabbi Itzikel of Pshevorsk, Addressed to the Important Rav Rabbi Yoel Ashkenazi of Tiberias. . "מה שלא כתבתי מהחתונה של נכדתי תח' כי יש לי בושה לכתוב תרוצים" A letter with extreme expressions of ...
LOT 111: Many blessings in a shana tova letter from the Admor Rabbi Avraham Elimelech Perlov of Karlin. Letter of blessing for the new year signed by the Admor Rabbi Avraham Elimelech Perlov of Karlin. The letter was handwritten by the Gabai and acknowledges receipt of a pniya sent to the Rav. He ...
LOT 112: Early letter entirely by hand, from the Divrei HaYoel, from his first rabbinical position in Irshava. Interesting mention of Rabbi Feivush Ashkenazi. Irshava 1920 (approx.). “Shraga Feivish Ashkenazi…because he is with me in my home”—a letter on activism and rescue from Maran Admor the Divrei ...
LOT 113: Rare! Letter written entirely by hand and signed by the assistant to the Admor Divrei Yoel of Satmar. Prague 1920. “During the days of the Omer, he will be saved from gezeiros kal v’chomer”. Postcard written by hand and signed by Rabbi Shraga Feivush Ashkenazi, father of Rabbi Yosef Ashkenazi ...
LOT 114: Wedding certificate signed by the Admor Beis Yisrael of Gur, for the marriage of his chassid Rabbi Yaakov Kozlik. Official letterhead of the “Eda Charedit Prushim v’Chassidim, Va’ad HaIr of the Ashkenazi community of Jerusalem’, bearing a wedding certificate of 1946, signed by the mesader ...
LOT 115: Letter from the Admor Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Beiderman of Lelov - Kislev, 1968. Typewritten letter f(with handwritten completions) on the official letterhead, by the Admor Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Beiderman of Lelov to Rabbi Aharon Haltovsky of Jerusalem, from Kislev 1968 - when he lived in Rabbi ...
LOT 116: “To save us from inciters and rebels”. Special: Marei Mekomot for a drash, handwritten by the Admor Yeshuot Moshe of Vizhnitz. Lines written by hand on official letterhead of the Admor Rabbi Moshe Yehoshua Hager of Vizhnitz. Contains a marei mekomot and abstract for a drash “for all anshei ...
LOT 117: Letter written by hand and signed by the gaon chassid Rabbi Shabtai Lifshitz, Motz of Ilnytsia and Irshava, author of many books. Jazlenitza 1905. “And today I arose from my sickbed” – a letter filled with flowery language, written by hand and signed by the gaon Rabbi Shabtai Lifshitz ...
LOT 118: “and God forbid I enter into the dispute” – letter with fascinating content, written by hand and signed by Rabbi Shmuel Zvi Weiss, Av Beit Din of Bendekowitz, to Rabbi Chaim Brody, Rabbi of Prague. Bendekowitz 1923. “My opinion is that whatever office she establishes now in Karpatros ...
LOT 119: Letter written by hand and signed by the gaon Rabbi Shmuel Levi Weinberger, Av Beit Din of Krestirer and Sered, son-in-law of Rabbi Hillel of Kolomiya. With previously unknown family details. Sered 1923. “so I will be able to marry the daughter of the Rav Gaon of Makova” – letter from the ...
LOT 120: Rabbinical controversy in Sered: a letter written by hand and signed by the gaon Rabbi Hillel Weinberger, Av Beit Din of Sered-oli, regarding the rabbinate of his city. Sered 1926. “The haters have already travelled to Pressburg to Weber yesterday” – letter from Rabbi Hillel Weinberger ...
LOT 121: Halachic tshuva by Rabbi Moshe Ginz, rabbi of the town of Krestirer during the reign of the Admor Yeshaya bar Moshe of Krestirer, regarding a Heter Me’ah Rabbanim. Krestirer 1908. Halachic tshuva regarding a Heter Me’ah Rabbanim from Rabbi Moshe Ginz, addressed to Rabbi Chaim Brody, Rabbi of ...
LOT 122: Letter of mesirut nefesh from a rabbi who merited seeing Eliyahu: letter written by hand and signed by Rabbi Aryeh Leibush Kahane, Av Beit Din of Apahida, with details regarding his descendants. Apahida 1917. Letter written at the height of WWI, by Rabbi Aryeh Leibush Kahane, Av Beit Din of ...
LOT 123: Letter written by hand and signed by Rabbi Chaim Engel, Av Beit Din of Radomyśl, son of the Maharash Engel. Radomyśl 1920. Letter on business matters written entirely by hand and signed by Rabbi Chaim Engel, addressed to Rabbi Chaim Brody, Av Beit Din of Prague. Radomyśl 1920. The letter author ...
LOT 124: Rare: Very long tshuva handwritten by the gaon Rabbi Eliezer Segal Landau, Av Beit Din of Oshpitzin (Oświęcim), regarding ‘chatuti shichvi’ and relocation of a cemetery. His divrei torah were lost in the Shoah. Never before sold: a tshuva handwritten and signed by Rabbi Eliezer Segal Landau, Av ...
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