Аукцион 68 Estate of former Minister of Finance, Mr. Avraham "Beiga" Shochat and his wife, Tama, daughter of former Prime Minister, Mr. Levi Eshkol.

от MDLD Auction House

Achuza 68, Ra'anana, Израиль

Profits from the sales of the family's items will be donated by the family to causes for the release of our hostages and for the rebuilding of the yishuvim in the South.

Door to door delivery :  45nis.

Registered mail: 30nis (we highly recommend door to door delivery)

Delivery overseas: based on weight; will be calculated after auction results and the estimate will be sent to overseas client before payment.

Commission of the auction house:  22% + tax.

Our address:

68 Achuza street


Showroom's phone #: 09-7670909

Ran's phone #: 054-5561223

(Israel phone numbers).

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