Аукцион 58

от MDLD Auction House

Achuza 68, Ra'anana, Израиль

This auction's rich catalog includes exciting antique pieces from Art Nouveau movement, all kinds of Judaica and items from Israel's establishment era.

Also included in the catalog is a private collection from a zoologist.

Silver, gold, art (internationl and Israeli), Israeliana, philately, rugs and much more also contribute to this auction's fascinating collection of rare items not to be missed.


Wishing for us all to have a Chanukah miracle:  the return of all of our hostages and missing and the healing of those wounded and mourning.

Happy Chanukah.

Commission 20%

Sunday-Thursday: 10am - 5pm

Friday: 10am-1pm

Always recommended to call before.

Achuza 68, Ra'anana


Ran: 054-5561223

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