LOTTO 65: 2 Treasures from the Barons Rothschild- . The personal Machzor of the father of the famous 'Nadiv' & an historical medal. 1. Bronze Medal from The Israelite Central Consistory of Paris, to Its President, Baron Gustave de Rothschild. 1902. Rare and historical medal, a token of ...
LOTTO 66: The Book of Life - Impressive Copy of the Baroness De Rothschild. London, [1847]. Hebrew and English. The Book of Life "being a complete formula of the Service and Family Devotion, adapted for the use of the sick and for those who attend them in their dying moments, also a selection of moral ...
LOTTO 67: Rare and Unique Item: Pair of approx. 100-Year-Old Tefillin. 'A brand plucked from the fire' - a touching, historical item that survived the Auschwitz extermination camp. Maroon, embroidered fabric bag, with a pair of Tefillin, shel Rosh and shel Yad, with the original Parashiyot inside ...
LOTTO 68: Portrait of Rabbi Moshe Gomes de Mesquita . London, 1752 . Rare print - portrait of the Rav of the Sha'ar Hashamayim community of London. "Picture of the complete sage, pious and humble, our teacher and Rav, Rabbi Moshe Gomes de Mesquita, who was Av Beit Din and Ram of London at the Sha'ar ...
LOTTO 69: Portrait of Rabbi Yechezkel Landau. Prague, ca. 1840. Rare engraving: portrait of the Noda BiYehuda, Rabbi Yechezkel Landau - one of the leading Poskim of recent generations. Prague, mid-19th century. Engraving by M. Klauber. Prague, [ca. 1840]. Printed beneath the portrait: "Ezechiel ...
LOTTO 70: 3 Important Items by Rabbi Shaul Amsterdam. Lot of three rare items by the author of the Binyan Ariel the Gaon Rabbi Shaul Lowenstam ben Rabbi Aryeh Leib, Av Beit Din of Amsterdam. 1 - Sefer Binyan Ariel by Rabbi Shaul of Amsterdam - first edition in the author's lifetime. Amsterdam, [1778]. ...
LOTTO 71: Givat Shaul. Eulogy for the R' Shaul HaLevi, Av Bet Din of The Hague. Amsterdam 1786. Authored by R’ Yitzchak Turkheim. Eulogy on the passing of the Righteous Rabbi Shaul HaLevi Av Bet Din and Ramosh Yeshiva in The Hague. Rabbi Shaul HaLevi zt”l, author of ‘Binyan Shaul’ served as the head of ...
LOTTO 72: Sefat Emet - a Book that Angered the Jews of Amsterdam and was Banned. Amsterdam, [1707]. First Edition. Sefer Sefat Emet, on the virtue and sanctity of Eretz Yisrael, by Rabbi Moshe Hagiz. The author's introduction which appears at the beginning of the book, was printed in Portuguese as well. ...
LOTTO 73: Sefer HaEmunot Vehadei'ot. Amsterdam, [1647]. The Press of Chacham Menashe ben Yisrael and His Son Yosef. Sefer HaEmunot Vehadei'ot by Rabbeinu Saadya Gaon, translated into Hebrew by Rabbi Yehuda ibn Tibbon. The Press of Yosef ben Yisrael ben Chacham Menashe ben Yisrael. With the additional ...
LOTTO 74: Luchot Ha’ibbur. Rare Book With Author’s Signature. Lieden – Hanover, 1756-1757. “See this new item that has never previously existed.” The author, Refael HaLavi Segal of Hanover opens his seminal book with these words. R' Segal’s composition deals with topics pertaining to the Jewish calendar ...
LOTTO 75: Sefer Hon Ashir, Commentaries and Chiddushim on Sidrei Mishnah. Authored by Kabbalist, Rabbi Emanuel Chai Riki. Amsterdam, 1731. First Edition. Music Score That was the Inspiration for the Chabad Tune ‘LeChatchila Ariber’. This book includes two leaves with two songs that Emanuel Chai Riki ...
LOTTO 76: Heichal Hakodesh by the Rambam Albas - Moroccan Kabbalah. Amsterdam, [1653]. First Edition. Rare. Sefer Heichal Hakodesh, Kabbalistic elucidation on Seder Tefillot for all year round, based on the Zohar and Recanati's commentaries, by Rabbi Moshe Bar Maimon known as Albas. The book was edited ...
LOTTO 77: Midrash Rabot. Amsterdam, [1725]. First Edition of the Foundational Commentaries on the Midrash. Impressive Copy. . Midrash Rabba on Chamisha Chumshei Torah and Chamesh Megillot, with four commentaries that were printed on the sheet of the Midrash. Many of the following editions of Midrash Rabba ...
LOTTO 78: Sifra Detzni'uta DeYaakov. Amsterdam [1669]. Commentary on the Torah based on the Ari's Kabbalah. Single edition. Important approbations. Sefer Sifra Detzni'uta DeYaakov, Kabbalistic commentary on the Torah by the Mekubal Rabbi Yaakov Temirles. Was born in Worms, lived in Kremnitz and later ...
LOTTO 79: Kabbalah: Sefer Beit Elohim with Sefer Sha'ar Hashamayim. Amsterdam [1655]. Two Kabbalistic books bound together in an original parchment binding - lovely copies. Two books by the Mekubal Rabbi Avraham Hacohen Herrera - a disciple of Rabbi Yisrael Saruk who was a disciple of the Ari. The ...
LOTTO 80: 3 Books Printed in Amsterdam in a Single Volume. Three Yiddish books printed in Amsterdam in a fine, single volume. 1. Sefer Ma'asei Hashem Vema'assei Nissim - tales from the Zohar (Ma'assei Hashem) and compiled tales and historical events (Ma'assei Nissim), including stories about the Ari's ...
LOTTO 81: Sefer Yosifon. Amsterdam, 1771. Two Volumes With Illustrations. . The book, Keter Malchut, is comprised of the first two volumes of the book Yosifon. Yosifon is the Ashkenaz name of the book, She’erit Yisrael, authored by Rabbi Menachem Min HaLevi. Amsterdam, 1771. Second edition, illustrated. ...
LOTTO 82: Sefer Yosifon in Yiddish. Amsterdam, 1661. Never Before Offered At Public Auction! Unique Edition with Numerous Engravings. Exceedingly Rare. Early edition of The Book of Yosifon, translated into Yiddish-Deitsch (German in Hebrew letters). The book chronicles Jewish history from the time of ...
LOTTO 83: Tikkun Socharim Vetikkun Chalufim. Amsterdam, [1714]. Excellent Copy in a Parchment Binding. This unique book belongs to the literary genre of lexicons (Brivenshtelers). Printed in Yiddish. In 1714, the book Tikkun Socharim Vetikkun Chalufim was printed in Amsterdam. The book contained ...
LOTTO 84: Chanoch Lana'ar and Leshon Zahav which is Michtam LeDavid. Amsterdam [1734-1743]. Hebrew and Yiddish. First, Rare Edition. . First edition of the 2 rare sections of a writing textbook bound together: 1) The first section is Sefer Chanoch Lana'ar, a letter writing guide containing the ...
LOTTO 85: Shevet Yehuda - with Megillat Eifah. Amsterdam, [1655]. Rare. Sefer Shevet Yehuda, Jewish history until the Expulsion from Spain, by Rabbi Shlomo ibn Virga. At the end of this edition, which was published shortly after the Pogroms of 1648 and 1649 (The Khmelnytsky Uprising), the printers added ...
LOTTO 86: Shut Parach Mateh Aharon [Bach]. Amsterdam, [1703]. First Edition. Especially Fine Copy. Sefer Shut Parach Mateh Aharon, section I and section II, by Rabbi Aharon Perachya Hacohen, one of the rabbis of Salonika. Separate title page for each section. At the beginning of section I, a leaf with a ...
LOTTO 87: 3 Books Printed Together - Yemin Moshe, Zikaron Livnei Yisrael, Shochatei Hayeladim. Amsterdam [1718]. Rare pocket edition - copy of Rabbi Yosef bar Yisrael Traglingen of Worms. Sefer Yemin Moshe, Dinei Shechita, by Rabbi Moshe Ventura, with Chidushei Hagahot by the Rabbi Yaakov Castro and ...
LOTTO 88: Yalkut Shimoni by Rabbi Shimon 'Rosh Hadarshanim'. Frankfurt am Main, [1687]. Elegant, most impressive copy - the two section in a wonderful original leather binding. Yalkut Shimoni. Midrashei Chazal on the Torah, Nevi'im and Ketuvim attributed to Rabbi Shimon, Rosh Hadarshanim of Frankfurt. ...
LOTTO 89: Kabbalah: Ma'avar Yabok by the Mekubal Rabbi Aharon Berachya. Amsterdam, [1732]. Second and Rare Ediiton. Prayers, Dinim and Mamarim on the day of death, the Tahara of the deceased and mourning, by the Mekubal Rabbi Aharon Berachya of Modena. Contains also the prayer for the sick, Seder Viduy ...
LOTTO 90: Igeret Shamayim Larom (Bechinat Olam) - Copy of the Bibliographer and Librarian of the Etz Chaim Beit Midrash of Amsterdam, David Montezinos. Mantova, [1556]. Sefer Igeret Shamayim Laron, "also known as Bechinat Olam", a philosophical Mussar missive by Rabbi Yedaya Hapninin ben Avraham ...
LOTTO 91: Shut HaTashbetz. Amsterdam [1738]. Beautiful Copy. Magnificent copy with 7 title pages and an original, impressive fish skin binding with embossments of the Binding of Yitzchak and King David. Shut by Rabbi Shimon Tzemach, based on a manuscript that was kept by his descendants for three ...
LOTTO 92: Seder Keri'ah Vetikkun. Amsterdam [1691]. Magnificent copy in an original, embossed parchment binding. Seder Keri'ah Vetikkun for the night of Shavu'ot and Hoshana Rabba. The Tikkun for the night of Shavu'ot is based on the version of the author of Shnei Luchot Habrit. On verso of the ...
LOTTO 93: Seder Chamisha Ta'aniyot. Amsterdam [1726]. Exceptional copy containing the rare engraving depicting the destruction of Jerusalem, in an original gold-tooled leather binding made by an important master binder active in Amsterdam. Some 30 binding are known from his hand. Seder Chamisha ...
LOTTO 94: Shut Rabbeinu Shlomo ben Aderet. Hanau, [1610]. Most impressive copy in a fine, original leather binding of a Sefer Yesod. Shut HaRashba. Hanau [1610]. Authored by Rabbeinu Shlomo ben Aderet. Appearing on the title page are illustrations of Moshe Rabbeinu, Aharon Hacohen and the Binding of ...
LOTTO 95: Tikkun Leil Hoshana Rabba, the Custom of the Chonen Dal Society of Hague. Amsterdam, [1733]. Extremely rare Portuguese-Dutch Seder Tikkun for Leil Hoshana Rabba - magnificent copy in a letaher binding with original gilt embossments. Sefer Kibbutz Tefillot, which is Seder Seder Tikkun for ...
LOTTO 96: Krovetz Machzor. Amsterdam, 1670. . Very Rare. Not Seen In Public Auctions. This is a Machzor with Krovot (Krovetz), Yotzrot and Prayers for the Days of Awe (Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur. With translation into the Ashkenaz language in Tzena Ure’ena (Hebrew) letters. Krovah / Krovetz. ’Krovah’ ...
LOTTO 97: Shulchan Arba, by Rabbeinu Bahya. Amsterdam, [1718]. Rare Edition. Sefer Shulchan Arba, Dinim pertaining to the meal, by Rabbeinu Bahya ibn Halawa. Edited by Rabbi Saadya, the son of the Dayan Rabbi Yitzchak Brisker and proofread by Yitzchak ben Avraham Dias. Approbation by the rabbis of ...
LOTTO 98: Avak Sofrim by Rabbi Avraham ben Rabbi Levi Konki of Hebron. Amsterdam, [1704]. Magnificent copy of the single edition of a rare book. Leather binding with original copper locks. Sermons and elucidations on the Torah and the Sages' Aggadot, by Rabbi Avraham ben Rabbi Levi Konki of Hebron. ...
LOTTO 99: Michlal Yoffi with the Title Page and the Latin 'Open Letter'. Amsterdam, [1684]. Complete copy in an original parchment binding. Sermons and Chidushim on the Torah, by Rabbi Shlomo ibn Melech. With Sefer Leket Shichecha added by Rabbi Yaakov Abendana. The Press of Uri ben Aharon Halevi. ...
LOTTO 100: Birkat Hazevach by Rabbeinu the Maharshak. Amsterdam [1669]. First edition of a rare book in an original parchment binding. Sefer Birkat Hazevach, on the Gemara, Rashi's commentary, Tosfot on Seder Kodashim, by Rabbi Aharon Shmuel Koidanover - one of the leading Acharonim, a disciple of the ...
LOTTO 101: Shut Ohel Yaakov. Amsterdam, [1737]. Complete and rare copy - single edition of the Shut book of the great fighter against Sabbateanism, which was censored. Sefer Ohel Yaakov, Shut on the four parts of the Shulchan Aruch, by the Gaon Rabbi Yaakov Sasportas, one of the greatest fighters ...
LOTTO 102: Luchot Eidut - about the Righteousness of Rabbi Yehonatan Eibeschitz. Altona, [1755]. First Edition . The Eibeschitz-Emden Sabbateanism polemic: a rare and important book on the dispute regarding Rabbeinu Yehonatan Eibeschitz, in support of him and against the claims about his amulets being ...
LOTTO 103: The Dispute between Rabbi Yaakov Emden and Rabbi Yehonatan Eibeschitz: Sefer Beit Yehonatan. A Rare and historical book that was printed at the house of the Gaon Rabbi Yaakov Emden in Altona, [1763]. Printed without a title page. "This book is extremely rare like all the Yavetz's disputed ...
LOTTO 104: Sefat Emet Veleshon Zehorit. Altona, [1752]. First edition of a rare polemic book. An especially sharp article written by Rabbi Yaakov Emden against Rabbi Yehonatan Eibeschitz. Includes a copying of the amulets attributed to Rabbi Yehonatan Eibeschitz and Rabbi Yaakov Emden's proof that ...
LOTTO 105: Tochachat Meguleh VeHaTzad Nachash. Polemic of Nechemya Hayun. London, 1715. Sabbatean Polemic. The book, Tochachat Meguleh VeHaTzad Nachash; two polemics authored by Rabbi Yosef Irgas, opposing the Sabbatian, Nechemya Hayun. In his composition, Tochachat Meguleh, the author, the Kabbalist ...
LOTTO 106: Semichat Chachamim - The Two Sections. Frankfurt am Main, [1704-6] . Complete and impressive copy in an original leather binding. First edition in the author's lifetime. The famed book by the Gaon and Mekubal Rabbi Naftali Katz, which he published in his lifetime. Includes: Semichat ...
LOTTO 107: Be'er Sheva. Frankfurt am Main [1709]. Magnificent copy in an original parchment binding of the son of the Pnei Yehoshua - Rabbi Shmuel of Brod the son of Rabbi Yaakov Yosha. An early, fundamental work (it is agreed that this book [Siman 18] is the halachic source of the doctrine forbidding ...
LOTTO 108: Matteh Dan - Kuzari. London, [1714]. One of the first Hebrew book printed in England - an impressive copy in an original binding with two title pages. Sefer Matteh Dan - the Second Kuzari, proving the truth of the Oral Torah, by Chacham Rabbi David Nieto, Rav of the Sephardic community of ...
LOTTO 109: Tzemach David Hachadash. Frankfurt am Main, [1692]. Wonderful copy in an original binding - Jewish and general history from the creation of the world to the time of the author, a disciple of the Rema and the Maharal of Prague - Rabbi David Ganz. These are the two sections with all the title ...
LOTTO 110: Shut HaBach. Frankfurt am Main, [1697]. First Edition. Sefer Yesod. Shut Bayit Chadash. By Rabbi Yoel Sirkish Av Beit Din of Krakow and author of the important commentary Bayit Chadash on Arba'ah Turim. With an important foreword and approbations by Rabbi Yosef Shmuel Av Beit Din of Frankfurt ...
LOTTO 111: Lot of 2 Special Printed Leaves with Poems for Important Events from Mantova and Corfu. 1) Poem for the birthday of the Mishmeret HaBoker VeHaErev Society in Mantova. Mantova, [1715]. "Poem in praise of the Mishmeret HaBoker VeHaErev Society, which was founded on Rosh Chodesh Nissan 1702 and ...
LOTTO 112: Triumph of the Virtues. Triumphos da Virtude. Amsterdam, 1788. Sermon delivered by Rabbi David Hacohen da Zivido at the synagogue of Amsterdam for the visit of the Prince of Orange. Rare historical book. "Triumph of the Virtues" A sermon delivered by Rabbi David Hacohen da Zivido, the ...
LOTTO 113: Chumash on which Jews Took an Oath in the Prague Courtroom - with Confirmation and Signature of the Rosh Av Beit Din of Prague the Gaon Rabbi Elazar Fleckeles. Chumash with Chamisha Chumshei Torah, on which Jews put their hand while taking an oath in the Prague courtroom, with the confirmation ...
LOTTO 114: The First Edition of the "Be'ur" on the Haftarot - Haftarot for All Year Round, with an Ashkenazic Translation and Elucidation. Berlin, [1790]. Sefer Haftarot for all year round with an Ashkenazic (Yiddish) translation and an elucidation. Hebrew and Yiddish on facing pages and the elucidation ...
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