LOS 1: Unicum. Order of Prayer for Yom Kippur Katan. Prague, circa 1665 * Tefillos and Selichos for Minchah on Erev Rosh Chodesh with Yiddish commentary and translation by Rabbi Nosson Chazan of Prostitz. The only known copy in the world! This is the first time that the ...
LOS 2: Bris Yitzchak. Amsterdam, 1768 Bris Yitzchak - Prayers and Tikkun consisting of Torah portions and prayers to be recited the night before a bris milah, as well as the order of prayers for bris milah, including piyutim and brachos. This copy also includes the order of circumcision for ...
LOS 3: Tefillas Haderech Zoltzbach, 1793 Miniature Siddur for Travelers Unknown! * Small-format miniature travel siddur that includes Tefillos many people do not know by heart. Seder Korbanos; Tachnun for Mondays and Thursdays; Hallel; Mussaf; Kiddush Levanah. Title page and ...
LOS 4: Pocket Sized Tehillim R’ Wolf Heidenheim’s First Edition Rodelheim, 1825 * This Tehillim is “precisely edited…based on tradition and ancient proofread manuscripts”. Prepared for print by Reb Wolf Heidenheim, renown scholar who was an expert in Hebrew grammar and invested ...
LOS 5: TehillimSlavita, 1824 with Ma’amados and Perek Shira Rabbi Moshe Shapira Press * Sefer Tehillim divided by days of the week, with the meaning of each chapter inscribed before the beginning of the chapter. Includes maamados and Perek Shirah. Printed with out commentary, intended ...
LOS 6: Tikkun Leil Shavuos Rabbi Moshe Shapira PressSlavita, 1823* Tikkun Leil Shavuos and Hoshanah Rabbah based on the order of the Shl”a Hakadosh with the kavanos of the Holy Names as taught by the Arizal. This Tikkun was printed by the Admor Rabbi Moshe Shapira, Av Beis Din of ...
LOS 7: Tikkun Shlomo - Tikkunei Shabbos. Amsterdam, 1794 Magnificent copy with exquisite original leather binding! Order of tefillos for Shabbos with the Tikkunei Shabbos of the Arizal, edited by Rabbi Shlomo Zalman London. Tikkun Shlomo- Tikunay Shabbos is a siddur special for Shabbos with ...
LOS 8: Spectacular illustrated manuscript! Ashmores Haboker Order of Prayers Handwritten on Parchment. Hamburg, 1769 MAGNIFICENT LARGE MANUSCRIPT written entirely on parchment in neat calligraphy script , with decorative accents , elaborate initials Ashmores Haboker Order of Prayer includes ...
LOS 9: Handwritten and Illustrated Special Prayer Book for the Chazzan. Hamburg, 1829 Handwritten manuscript listing special prayers, and various readings used particularly by chazzanim. created for the chazzanim at the Ezras Achim congregation in the city of Hamburg, 1829. The notebook is graced ...
LOS 10: Shir Hashirim and Pirkei Avos. Amsterdam, 1766 Beautiful Copy! for Murano Jews Shir Hashirim with Ladino translation in the Latin alphabet, and Pirkei Avos with Spanish translation by Yitzchak ben Eliyahu Hakohen Belinfante. Paraphrasis Caldayca en los Cantares de Selomoh Con el texto ...
LOS 11: Ben Hamelech V’hanazir. First Edition. Constantinople, 1518 Mussar sefer from the Time of the Rishonim Rare find! Stories and parables conveying lessons of wisdom and Mussar presented in the form of a conversation between a king who is immersed in vanities and a nazir who abstains from ...
LOS 12: Ohr Hashem by Rabbi Chasdai Crescas. First Edition. Ferrara, 1555 This sefer by Rabbi Chasdai Crescas presents fundaments of religion and faith. and considered the First Sefer to reject Aristotle philosophy with philosophical arguments Rabbi Chasdai Crescas (circa 1340-1410) was born ...
LOS 13: Exceptionally Rare! Avkas Rochel. Rimini, 1526 Wondrous lessons on Emunah and Geulah discusses topics of the birth pangs of Mashiach, the war of Gog U’Magog, future redemption, the eternity of the soul, Gan Eden, Gehinnom, the World To Come, mans creation, resurrection of the dead and ...
LOS 14: Foundational Sefer on Emunah. Sefer Ha’ikarim with Eitz Shasul Commentary. Venice, 1618 Includes rare additional leaves. The Foundational Principles of Judaism by Rabbi Yosef Albo with the commentary of Rabbi Gedalyah Lipshitz’s Eitz Shasul. Rabbi Albo bases the Jewish belief ...
LOS 15: Derech Emunah. First Edition Constantiople, 1522 Discussions on topics of emunah, and commentareis on Agaddos Chazal by Rabbi Avraham Bibago. Chacham Rabbi Avraham Bibago was one of the great Spanish rabbis during the period of the Expulsion and thereafter. He served as Rosh Yeshivah in ...
LOS 16: Classic !!!!!Reishis Chochmah. First Edition. Venice, 1579 A foundational work of mussar outlining the path to sanctity and repentance by the saintly kabbalist Rabbi Eliyahu di Vidash, prime disciple of the Ramak. Gedolei Yisrael and tzaddikim throughout the ages emphasized the ...
LOS 17: Tapuchei Zahav. Kitzur Sefer Reishis Chochmah. First Edition. Mantua, 1623 Tapuchei Zahav, written by Rabbi Yechiel Mili encompasses an outline and summary of the classic mussar sefer Reishis Chochmah by Rabbi Eliyahu di Vidash. Along with his summary of Reishis Chochmah, Rabbi Yechiel ...
LOS 18: Fundamentals of Faith Ohr Amim by Rabbi Ovadia Sforno. First Edition. Bologna, 1537 The Sforno’s composition on faith and philosophy written to refute the teachings of Aristotle, whose philosophies are contrary to Torah and Jewish faith. In his preface, Rabbi Ovadia Sforno inscribes ...
LOS 19: Menoras Hamaor with Nefesh Yehuda Commentary. First Edition. Amsterdam, 1700 Menoras Hamaor by Rabbi Yitzchak Abuhav with the first printed edition of the Nefesh Yehuda commentary by Rabbi Moshe Frankfurter of Amsterdam. Menoras Hamaor is one of the fundamental works of Jewish ethics, and ...
LOS 20: Historic !! First time ever a Sefer Printed in Jerusalem! Avodas Hakodesh by the Chida. Jerusalem, 1841 Sefer Avodas Hakodesh by the Chida, Rabbi Chaim Yosef David Azzulai. This sefer includes seven separate essays on halachah, customs, mussar, teshuvah, prayers and segulos. Theyare ...
LOS 21: Menashe ben Israel. Tanach. Amsterdam, 1635. Complete, Exquisite Copy! Chamishah Chumshei Torah, Nevi’im and Kesuvim, meticulously edited and proofread by the famed distinguished Rabbi and scholar, Menashe ben Israel. This was one of the first editions of Tanach to be printed in Amsterdam. ...
LOS 22: First Tanach Printed in Yiddish. Amsterdam, 1676- 1679 Torah, Nevi’im and Kesuvim “translated, elucidated and explained” in Yiddish by Rabbi Yekusiel Blitz. This Tanach, renowned as Tanach Blitz, was the very first Tanach translated into Yiddish. The present item includes a full set ...
LOS 23: The Court of Prague's Chumash On Which the Jews Stated Their Oaths Chamishah Chumshei Torah with Authorization by Rabbi Elazar Flekles. Vienna , 1808 Extremely rare historical chumash. On this Chumash, Jewish witnesses in the Czech Court of Law would place their hands and swear ...
LOS 24: Set Chumash Ohr Hachaim Shapira Edition. Zhitomir, 1860with Siddur for Shabbos Nusach Sefard. Chamishah Chumshei Torah in five magnificent volumes with the commentary of the Ohr Hachaim Hakadosh on Chumash. Each volume contains a siddur with the Shabbos prayers and yotzros in Chassidic ...
LOS 25: Incunable 533 years old! Ramban’s Commentary on the Torah. Naples, 1490 Pristine Condition! “Commentary on the Torah by Rabbeinu Moshe ben Nachman of Gerona, zt”l” The Rambans commentary includes explanations based on pshat and kabbalah, and after Rashi, it is the most fundamental and ...
LOS 26: Ten Commandments with Ibn Ezra’s Commentary. Basel, 1527 The Ten Commandments with the commentary of Rabbi Avraham ibn Ezra. With Latin translation by German Hebraist scholar Sebastian Münster appearing on the facing sides. Leaves 30, 32 present Onkelus’ translation of the Ten ...
LOS 27: Baal Haturim’s Commentary on the Torah. Venice, 1544 Pearls of wisdom, gematria, roshei teivos and comments on Chamishah Chumshei Torah by Rabbeinu Yaakov son of the Ros"h the Baal Haturim. Rabbeinu Yaakov Baal Haturim’s commentary, authored in a distinct, concise style replete with ...
LOS 28: Drashos HaTorah by Chacham Rabbi Shem Tov. First Edition. Salonika, 1525 Drashos by Rabbi Yosef ben Rabbi Yosef Ibn Shem Tov arranged in order of the parshiyos. The sefer culminates with drashos for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, arousing his listeners and readers to repent and restore their ...
LOS 29: Terumas Hadeshen’s Commentary on Rashi. First Edition. Venice, 1519 “Commentary established by Hagaon Moreinu Harav Yisrael zt”l on Rashi’s commentary” Explanations on Rashi’s commentary on the Chamishah Chumshei Torah by Rabbi Yisrael Isserlin, author of Terumas Hadeshen. The Terumas ...
LOS 30: The Rema’s first sefer! Beautiful copy Mechir Yayin on Megillas Esther. First Edition. Cremona, 1559 An original commentary on Megillas Esther by Rabbi Moshe Isserlish, the Rema of Cracow, who composed this work on the day of Purim 1556 while in exile. This exceedingly rare item ...
LOS 31: Zera Beirach. Cracow, 1646. First Edition. Exceedingly Rare! Drashos and commentary on parshiyos and aggados by Rabbi Berachia Beirach Shapira, Dayan of Cracow during the times of the Bach and the Tosafos Yom Tov. Includes sefer Ateres Tzvi - chiddushim of Rabbi Tzvi Hirsh, son-in-law ...
LOS 32: The Alshich Hakadosh al HaTorah Fundamental sefer. Toras Moshe L’Rabbeinu Moshe Alshich. First Edition. Venice, 1601 Landmark commentary on Chamishah Chumshei Torah by Rabbi Moshe Alshich of Tzfas. The first complete printing of the premier sefer drush, which extracts the underlying ...
LOS 33: Rare, valuable find! Magen Dovid. Singular Edition Constantinople, 1517 A treatise defending the Radak Magen Dovid = Defending Dovid (Rabbi dovid Kimchi ) Responses to grammatical question and critique raised against the Radak's principles and rules of grammar in sefer Maaseh Eifod and ...
LOS 34: Mesores Hamasores. First Edition. Bomberg Press. Venice, 1538 Fundamental work on the tradition of the torah text, including an explanation of the methodologies of the authors of Masoretic texts, by the famed Hebrew grammarian Rabbi Eliyahu Bachur Halevi Ashkenazy. The Mesorah is an ...
LOS 35: Fundamental Dikduk Sefer Tishbi. Izna, 1541 Fundamental sefer on the rules of dikduk by the great Jewish grammarian Rabbi Eliyahu Halevi Bachur Ashkenazy, with translation into Latin by the famous printer Paulos Baggios. The sefer includes 712 shorashim (root words) and their ...
LOS 36: Sefer Meturgeman. Cologne, 1560 Impressive copy with ornate antique parchment binding! Elucidation of the roots of Aramaic words used in Targum Onkelus, Targum Yonasan and Targum Yerushalmi by famed linguist and grammarian Rabbi Eliyahu Bachur HaLevi Ashkenazi. This work was ...
LOS 37: “ Even if one is on the lowest level he should not despair of his portion in Torah” Handwritten Inspirational Chiddushei Torah and Explanation of Customs on Shavuos by the Chasam Sofer. Mattersdorf, 1802 A sacred handwritten leaf from the holy Rabbi Moshe Sofer, author of Chasam Sofer ...
LOS 38: Handwritten & Autographed Kashrus Certificate by Rabbi Shimon Sofer, Av Beis Din of Cracow. Marienbad, 1882 Kashrus certificate for a wine store belonging to R’ Yishai Alexander of Frankfurt am Main, handwritten and autographed by Rabbi Shimon Sofer, Av Beis Din of Cracow and author of ...
LOS 39: Manuscript on The Four Exiles. 4 Sides. Handwritten Manuscript by Rabbi Shmuel Ehrenfeld, Av Beis Din Mattersdorf Sources and commentaries on the four exiles that the Jewish People underwent at the hands of four different kingdoms by the holy hand of Rabbi Shmuel Ehrenfeld, Av Beis ...
LOS 40: Autographed Semichah Letter by Rabbi Simcha Bunim Ehrenfeld, Av Beis Din of Mattersdorf and Author of Maaneh Simchah. Mattersdorf, 1906 Beautiful semichah letter written in verse and autographed by Rabbi Simcha Bunim Ehrenfeld, Av Beis Din of Mattersdorf and great grandson of the Chasam ...
LOS 41: Handwritten Manuscript! Complete Volume of Handwritten Chiddushim of Rabbi Chaim Avraham Arnshtein, Av Beis Din of Bardiav and Disciple of the Chasam Sofer. Chiddushim and Torah lectures delivered in yeshivah by Rabbi Chaim Avraham Arnshtein, Av Beis Din of Bardiav. His autograph ...
LOS 42: Handwritten & Autographed Letter of Blessing by Rabbi Eliezer Zussman Sofer to His Son Rabbi Yosef Leib. Paks, 1898 A handwritten and autographed letter replete with blessings and congratulatory words by Rabbi Eliezer Zussman Sofer, Av Beis Din of Paks and author of Yalkut Eliezer to ...
LOS 43: Shaarei Torah With Over 50 Handwritten Glosses by the Machaneh Chaim. First Edition. Vienna, 1850 Sefer Shaarei Torah on the topic of chazakos by HaGaon Rabbi Binyamin Zev Wolf Loew of Verbov. This sefer was the personal copy of his prime disciple, Rabbi Chaim Sofer, Av Beis Din of Munkacs ...
LOS 44: Handwritten & Autographed Letter by Rabbi Amram Fischer, Av Beis Din of Yunk and Son-in-Law of the Yalkut Eliezer. Yunk, 1907 A letter abounding with chiddushei Torah by Rabbi Amram Fischer, Av Beis Din of Yunk, to his brother-in-law Rabbi Yosef Leib Sofer, Av Beis Din of Paks and ...
LOS 45: Handwritten Drashah for 7 Adar, 1874 “I delivered this drashah in the holy congregation of Ihel on 7 Adar, 5734.” This lecture, handwritten by Rabbi Yirmiyahu Loewe, Av Beis Din of Ihel, includes words of praise of the glory and greatness of Moshe Rabbeinu. In the past, it was customary ...
LOS 46: Fascinating Discovery! Long and Unknown Letter from the Chasam Sofer, Handwritten by Rabbi Asher Anschel Weiss, Author of Shemen Laminchah Two letters from the Chasam Sofer written to Rabbi Daniel of Prositz, Raavad of Pressburg. The first letter contains fascinating content and is ...
LOS 47: Handwritten Halachic Teshuvah by Rabbi Yeshaya Zilberstein, Av Beis Din of Weitzen & Author of Maase Lamelech Handwritten halachic teshuvah by Rabbi Yeshaya Zilberstein, Av Beis Din Weitzen, regarding work on Chol Hamoed. Rabbi Yeshaya Zilberstein, Av Beis Din of Weitzen (1857-1930) ...
LOS 48: Letter of Chiddushei Torah by Rabbi Eliezer Deitsch, Av Beis Din of Bonyhad & Author of Pri Hasadeh. 1908 Letter signed by Rabbi Eliezer Deitsch, Av Beis Din of Bonyhad, replete with divrei Torah and practical halachic ramifications regarding the definition of “near the walled city" as ...
LOS 49: Sefer Zohar. Shapira Edition. Slavita (1824-1827) Three Magnificent Volumes on Green Paper Zohar by the Tanna Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai. Printed by Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Shapiro ben Rabbi Moshe Shapiro, Av Beis Din of Slavita. The sefer includes the approbation of the Ohev Yisrael, as ...
LOS 50: The first Zohar printed in Eretz Yisrael! Zohar. Jerusalem, 1844-1846. Complete Set. Sefer Zohar by the holy Tana Rabi Shimon Bar Yochai with the glosses and commentaries of the Ramaz and the Chida. 4 volume set completely intact, bound in new matching bindings. Printed by Rabbi Yisrael ...
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