LOT 1: Miniture Tanach. Leiden, 1610 . Miniture Tanach. Leiden, 1610 --- Complete 17th century miniature Tanach without punctuation in good condition. Printed in Leiden, Holland. Each section boasts a separate title page, for a total of 4 title pages. Leiden, 1610. 264:227:287:238 sides. Page ...
LOT 2: Rare Pocket Tanach. Venice, 1615. . Rare Pocket Tanach. Venice, 1615 --- Torah, Neviim and Kesuvim with punctuations. Printed in Sabbioneta font at the behest of the Venetian nobleman and printer Bragadini. The date 5' 375 (שע"ה) is printed in the colophon at the end of book. Each ...
LOT 3: Tanach. Venice, 1739-1741. . Tanach. Venice, 1739-1741 ----Rare. Complete set. 4 volumes with artistic illustrations on title pages! Torah, Nevi'im and Kesuvim. Precisely edited and proofread based on ancient manuscripts, with Italian translation of select words. Vol. 1 has 3 title ...
LOT 4: Commentary on Targum Yonasan and Yerushalmi. First Edition. Prague, 1609. . Commentary on Targum Yonasan and Yerushalmi. First Edition. Prague, 1609. Commentary on Targum Yonasan, Targum Yerushalmi, and Targum Sheini on Megillas Esther by Rabbi Dovid of Sherbeshin. The Targum Yonasan and ...
LOT 5: Book of Haftorahs on Parchment. Yemen, 14th Century. . Book of Haftorahs on Parchment. Yemen, 14th Century--Medieval manuscript : Over 600 years old! Haftorahs for the entire year according to the Yemenite Jewish custom. The book was inscribed on parchment during the late 14th century. ...
LOT 6: Classic. Ramban on the Torah. Pesaro, 1514. Complete copy . Classic. Ramban on the Torah. Pesaro, 1514. Complete copy--- Commentary on the Chumash by Rabbeinu Moshe ben Nachman (Ramban). Perush Ramba"n al Hatorah, the classic commentary of the Ramba"n, an essential sefer gracing every ...
LOT 7: Miniature Tehillim. Paris, 1565. Beautiful copy, parchment binding. . Miniature Tehillim. Paris, 1565 ---Beautiful copy, parchment binding. Book of Psalms with punctuation in a small format measuring only 10 cm. Printed separately as a Book of Psalms, and not as part of the Tanach. ...
LOT 8: Tehillim Hamagid. Shapiro Edition. Slavita, 1832. . Tehillim Hamagid. Shapiro Edition. Slavita, 1832---- Book of Tehillim with Rashi’s commentary and Yiddish translation. Printed in large, clear letters. Includes the books of Mishlei and Iyov. Slavita, 1832. Printed by Harav Avraham Shmuel ...
LOT 9: Remarkable Commentary on Tehillim! Nora Tehillos. Salonika, 1569. Remarkable Commentary on TehillimNora Tehillos. Salonika, 1569 --- A large, comprehensive commentary on the entire sefer Tehillim by Rabbi Yoel ibn Shuiv. This work of over 600 pages is one of the most thorough and ...
LOT 10: Manuscript- Torah Novellae by Europe’s Greatest Torah Luminaries. 18th Century. Notebook with handwritten novella on the Chumash from Prominent Rabbonim in Europe of the 18th century. Includes Torah novellae by Harav Avraham Broide, Harav Yaakov Katz — author of Shav Yaakov, Harav ...
LOT 12: Megaleh Amukos al HaTorah. First Edition. Lvov, 1795. . Megaleh Amukos al HaTorah, contains Kabbalistic commentary and explanations on the entire Torah replete with gematria and deep kabbalistic secrets, by the holy kabbalist Rabbi Nosson Shapiro of Cracow, the Megaleh Amukos. The saintly ...
LOT 13: Mishnayos, Zeraim with Rambam’s commentary. Constantinople, circa 1588. . Mishnayos Zeraim with commentaries by the Rambam and Rabbi Shimshon of Shantz from the Baalei Tosfos. The mishnayos include the Rambam’s famed introduction to the Mishnah which is missing in most editions, and the ...
LOT 14: First Edition Bomberg Talmud Bavli. Tractate Megillah. Venice, 1521. . Tractate Megillah. Complete volume from the first Talmud printed by the renowned printer Daniel Bomberg on his famous press in Venice. The end of the volume features the first printing of the Piskei HaRosh inside the ...
LOT 15: Relic of an ancient Gemara from the time of the Baalei Tosfos! 800 years old!. Gemara Folio from Tractate Sanhedrin in Ashkenazic Script on Parchment. 13th Century! Fascinating surviving folio from an ancient 13th century Gemara, of the kind which was used in study houses in France over 800 ...
LOT 16: Tractate Brachos. Prague, 1728. Special Edition Published by Rabbi Yonasan Eibschitz . Tractate Brachos and Mishnayos Zeraiim with the commentaries of the great Achronim, includes a novel addition - the Rambam and his commentators relevant to Tractates Brachos and Zera’im. This special ...
LOT 17: Tractate Chagigah. Personal Copy of Rabbi Elazar Menachem Mendel Biderman of Lelov. . Tractate Chagigah Amsterdam, 1744. Personal Gemara of Harav Elazar Menachem Biderman of Lelov On the title page and on page 38 appears his seal: Elozor Menachem b"h Mi"h Moshe Ztlh"h. It also bears the ...
LOT 18: The Admor Rabbi Tzvi Hirsh of Riminov’s Personal Copy of Tractate Brachos (Slavita, 1817) . This Maseches Brachos, printed in early 19th century Slavita, was the personal gemara belonging to the Admor Harav Tzvi Hirsh Hakohein of Riminov and it was passed to his son and successor the Admor ...
LOT 19: Fundamental Work on the Structure of the Talmud Yavin Shmuah by Rabbi Shlomo Algazi. First Edition. Venice, 1639. . Halichos Olam by Rabbi Yeshua Halevi of Tlemcen with Klalei HaGemara by Rabbi Yosef Karo and Yavin Shmuah by Rabbi Shlomo Algazi. The Halichos Olam is printed in the center of ...
LOT 20: Handwritten & Autographed Annotations by Harav Shmuel Heller on Mishnayos Seder Kodashim. Slavita, 1822 . The sefer contains approximately twenty handwritten annotations, with 2 signed initials on (pages 60B and 62A) Hagaon Harav Shmuel Heller (1803 approximately-1884) visited the Chozeh of ...
LOT 21: First Sefer Written after the Gemara! Sheiltos D’Rav Achai Gaon. First Edition. Venice, 1546. . Halachos and rulings based on the order of the Torah portions by Rav Achai of Shivcha, one of the first Geonim in Babylonia. First Printing. Published by the Daniel Bomberg Press. Sefer ...
LOT 22: Shu”t Hageonim Shaarei Tzedek. First Edition. 1792. Halachic responsa by Babylonian Geonim. . This anthology of responsa contains approximately 500 halachic responsas from the Geonim of Babylon. On verso of the title page is a list of the Geonim whose responsa appear in this work, among them ...
LOT 23: The Book of Beliefs Rabbi Saadia Gaon. First Edition. Constantinople, 1562. Sefer Ha’emunos V'hadeios, faith and Judaism by Rabbi Saadia Gaon. Ha’emunos V'hadeios was the first published work to thoroughly elucidate the principles of Jewish belief. It contains all the profound tenets of ...
LOT 24: Seder Olam Zuta and Pirkei Mashiach by the Rambam. Paris, 1572. . Sefer of Jewish Chronolgy attributed to Rabbenu Yom Tov Elem. printed with sections from Seder Hakabbalah by the Raavad and with chapters from Mishneh Torah L’HaRambam regarding the era of Mashiach. The section excerpted from the ...
LOT 25: Jewish Classic. First Edition of the Rambam’s Responsa. Constantinople, circa 1514. . A collection of responsa, and letters by the Rambam. The Rambam responded to halachic queries from around the world, corresponding with sages from countries as distant as France, Spain, Yemen and Babylonia. ...
LOT 26: The manuscript of the Guide to the Perplexed (Moreh Nevuchim) is present in its original form in Arabic transliterated into Hebrew. This well-organized manuscript includes all three parts of the original Guide to the Perplexed. Handwritten Yemenite manuscripts of the Rambam's writings are ...
LOT 27: Fundamental Jewish Work! Piskei Challah by the Rashba. First Edition. Constantinople, 1515. . Laws of Hafroshas Challah by the Rashba, Harav Shlomo ben Aderes. Piskei Halachah by the Rashba is the premier halachic work on the subject of challah . Written by an early Rishon, it is cited ...
LOT 28: Zohar Harakia by the Rashbatz. First Edition. Constantinople, 1515. . Zohar Harakia by Rabbi Shimon ben Tzemach Duran (1361-1444), author of the Tashbetz, discussions on minayin hamitzvos (counting of the 613 commandments) according to Rabbi Shlomo Ibn Gabirol’s famous poem Azharos. Azharos, a ...
LOT 29: Original Responsum from A Rishon ----600-year-old autographed responsum by the Maharik--- Rabbi Yosef Colon's Famous fundamental responsum regarding laws of Kiddushin 27-page (14 leaves) handwritten halachic responsum by the Maharik, with 5 lines the Maharik penned himself, and ...
LOT 30: The basis of all Ashkenazic rites and customs! Sefer Maharil. First Edition. Sabbioneta, 1555. . Jewish laws, halachic rulings, and customs for the entire year by the Maharil, Rabbi Yaakov Segal Moelin. The sefer also includes the customs of his rebbi, Harav Shalom of Neustadt. The Maharil is ...
LOT 31: Hebrew Classic. Shu"t Maharam Mintz. First Edition. Cracow, 1617. First edition of practical halachic questions and responsa by Harav Moshe Mintz. The Maharam Mintz (c. 1415- c.1480) was one of the last Rishonim of Ashkenaz. He was the Talmid of the Mahari Weil, and also of the Terumas ...
LOT 32: Maharshal’s Comments on Shas - First Edition! Cracow, 1582 . Chochmas Shlomo on Shas by the Maharshal. Complete copy! The Maharshal’s comments on Shas, copied from the glosses of his personal Gemara and published by his children. This work contains the Maharshal’s notes and corrections on ...
LOT 33: Levush Ateres Zahav. First Edition. Cracow, 1594. . Halachic novellae and rulings on Tur Yoreh Deah by Harav Mordechai Yaffe, Av Beis Din of Posen. Harav Mordechai Yaffe (1530-1612), renowned as the Levush after his 10-volume series, was one of the greatest sages of his times and Nasi of ...
LOT 34: Machaneh Efraim. First edition! Constantinople, 1738 . Torah novellae, halachic queries and responsa on Mishneh Torah L’HaRambam by Rabbi Efraim Navon. The Machaneh Efraim numbers among the prestigious works of Jewish literature and was enthusiastically received and studied both in ...
LOT 35: Shaagas Aryeh. First Edition. Frankfurt an der Oder, 1756. . This sacred copy was gifted by the Shaagas Aryeh himself to the Rebbi of the Chasam Sofer Harav Yaakov Shamash, head of the Jewish community in Frankfurt. Harav Yaakov Shamash’s inscription on the title page reads, “I, hakatan ...
LOT 36: First Hebrew Book Ever Printed in Germany! Darkei Lashon Hakodesh. Augsburg, 1520. . Book of Hebrew language and grammar by Rabbi Moshe Kimchi, brother of the Radak. This sefer, was written concisely and clearly and gained great popularity and was even translated into several languages. It is ...
LOT 37: Historic Manuscript!Blood Libel in Metz, 1670. Tale of the infamous blood libel in Metz, France , 17th century. This Yiddish manuscript recounts, in great detail, the chilling sequence of events of the notorious 17th century blood libel in Metz. The narrative covers Halevi’s arrest and ...
LOT 38: Yesod Yosef. Rare First Edition! Frankfurt, 1679. Rare sefer discusses the sin of pgam habris and the spiritual acts that atone for it. Written by the renowned tzaddik, Harav Yosef Dayan of Posen. Yesod Yosef is divided into three sections: 1. Qualities and actions that lead to this sin ...
LOT 39: Unique & Rare: Yom Kippur Katan prayer book, Sultzbach, 1711 . Tefillos of Yom Kipur Katan. The prayers to be said at Minchah, on the day preceding Rosh Chodesh. With elucidation in Yiddish by Rabbi Nosson Chazan of Prostitz. It seems from the title page that this is the first printing of the ...
LOT 40: Bris Melach, by the Tosefos Yom Tov. Halachah sefer for women in Yiddish, Amsterdam 1718. . Bris Melach, by the Tosefos Yom Tov. Halachah sefer for women in Yiddish, Amsterdam 1718. This sefer includes laws and instructions for preparing kosher poultry. Intended to educate women in the ...
LOT 41: Collection of Yiddish fables, tales and history books, Amsterdam 1723-1724 . 1] Alir Leia Geshichta - 354 stories collected from Talmudic literature and tales of old-time chassidim by Rabbi Asher Anshil Hazan (also called: Ma'aseh Buch) Printed with the sefer Gelilot Eretz Yisroel called ...
LOT 42: Handwritten Marginalia by Rabbi Betzalel Ransburg on Pardes Dovid. Zoltzbach, 1786. . Numerous handwritten marginalia on Pardes Dovid by Harav Betzalel Ransburg of Prague. in his annotations Harav Betzalel discusses and challenges some of the authors novella and writes his opinion and novella. ...
LOT 43: Teshuvah Me’ahavah with Author's Dedication and Autograph of the Maharam Ash. Prague, 1815. . The present Shu"t Teshuvah Me’ahavah Vol. 2(only) by Harav Elazar Halevi Fleckeles features his handwritten dedication from 1816 and the signature of Harav Meir Eisenstadt — Av Beis Din of Ungvar and ...
LOT 44: Responsum Regarding Kashrus of Esrogim. Autographed By Rabbi Wolf of Hamburg. Fürth, 1849. . Practical halachah regarding the esrogim of Corfu and Corsica and the controversy as to whether they are purely of the original etrog species and are kosher or if they were grafted with other species ...
LOT 45: Handwritten & Autographed Letter by the Tzaddik of Graditz, Rabbi Eliyahu Gutmacher. 1869. . Known as the Tzaddik of Graditz, Harav Eliyahu Guttmacher (1796-1875) was one of the prime disciples of Rabbi Akiva Eiger. His reputation as a miracle worker drew thousands to his doorstep from far ...
LOT 46: Letter by Rabbi Azriel Hildesheimer, Av Beis Din of Eisenstadt & Berlin. Eisenstadt, 1869. . Handwritten and autographed responsum regarding the topic of family purity by Harav Azriel Hildesheimer. In this letter, he inscribes that “Our masters, the Nodah B’Yehudah and the Chasam Sofer, who are ...
LOT 47: Klal Yisrael’s Ledger . Tiberias Emissary’s Ledger to Europe (Cheshvan 5507 (1807) - Nissan 5509 (1809) A treasure trove of historical documentation of Ashkenazic Jewry. Priceless collection of rare Rabbinical autographs including a historic letter by Rabbi Akiva Eiger. ...
LOT 48: Manuscript: Chiddushei Torah by Harav Binyamin Wolf Lev, Author of Shaarei Torah, on Tractate Bava Metziah . 440 pagesLarge Volume Manuscript! 440 large handwritten sides, each measuring 41x25 cm, of chiddushei Torah on maseches Bava Metzia by Hagaon Harav Binyamin Wolf Lev, Av Beis Din ...
LOT 49: Letters of Approbation by the Great Sages of Hungary, 1889. . Handwritten endorsement letters by Harav Aharon Fried, Av Beis Din of Bosramin; Harav Moshe Hirsh Fuchs, Av Beis Din of Grosswardein; and Harav Eliezer Lev, Av Beis Din of Ungvar who adds his signature to those of his uncle and ...
LOT 50: Complete Handwritten Kuntres of Torah Novellae by the Ksav Sofer. Pressburg, 1862. . Complete pamphlet - [title page plus 8-sides] all written by the holy hand of the Ksav Sofer, Harav Avraham Shmuel Binyamin Sofer, Av Beis Din and Rosh Yeshivah in Pressburg. The Ksav Sofer Harav Avraham ...
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