LOTTO 1: Kabbalah Classic - "The first source for the saying "Hashem Melech Hashem Malach" while standing - Arzi Levanon, collection of sifrei Kabbalah- Venice 1601 First Edition Sefer Arzi Levanon, a collection of Kabbalistic writings Venice 1601. First Edition. Eight (the cover has a typesetting ...
LOTTO 2: Kabbalah - Kavanas Shlomo, Kavanas Ha'Ar"i on tefilas shacharis Venice 1670, First Edition Kavanas Shlomo was prepared for publication by the mekubal Rabbi Shlomo Rokeach. It explains the special kavanos and yichudim of tefilah according to the Ar"i Hakadosh, the Rama"k and Rabbi Menachem ...
LOTTO 3: Chesed L'Avraham, Kabbalistic topics, by the Kabbalist Rabbi Avraham Azulai. Amsterdam, 1685. Printed by Emanuel Atias. Illustrated title page and Kabbalistic illustrations. Magnificent Copy with Wide Margins! First edition of one of the most famous Kabbalistic books. this book was widely ...
LOTTO 4: Kabbalah Classic - Sefer Pa’amon V’Rimon, Amsterdam 1708. With a rare folded chart with guidelines to understanding the Kabbalistic teachings of the sefirot Sefer Pa’amon V’Rimon, a collection of shiurim from the greatest Mekubalim, including Pardes Rimonim by Ha’Mekubal Rabbi Moshe ...
LOTTO 5: KABBALAH FIRST EDITION - Amarot Tehorot, five articles from the book Asarah Ma'amarot by Rabbi Menachem Azaria - the Rama of Fano. With the Yad Yehuda commentary, First Edition, by Rabbi Yehuda Leib of Magentza. Frankfurt am Main, 1698. Illustrated title page. On the title page is a ...
LOTTO 6: Document from the Holy Kabbalist Rabbi Moshe Zacuto and the Sages of Mantua - Tishrei 1678 This document entirely written and signed by the esteemed Holy Kabbalist Rabbi Moshe Zacuto, known as "the Rema"z", and the eminent sages of Mantua. It serves as confirmation of Rabbi Moshe Zacuto's ...
LOTTO 7: Kabblah - First Edition Beis Elohim, on Ma'ase Merkavah, by Rabbi Avraham HaCohen Irira.[disciple of Rabbi Yisroel Srug – a disciple of the Arizal]. Amsterdam, 1655. This book was originally written in Spanish for the Marrano community in Amsterdam, and translated to Hebrew by his Talmid ...
LOTTO 8: Kabbalah - Commentary on the Torah by Rabbi Menahem Recanati – Venice, 1545. Second edition. Rabbi Menachem son of Rabbi Binyamin Recanati was one of the great early kabbalists (1223-1290). He was one of the first Italian kabbalists, as well as a significant adjudicator. The Beit Yosef ...
LOTTO 9: Biurim on Rashi - Attributed to the Mekubal Rabbi Nosson Shapiro - Venice 1593 - Map of Eretz Yisroel Sefer Biurim, a compilation explaining Rashi's commentary. This sefer has been attributed to the Mekubal Ha'Gaon Rabbi Nosson Shapiro ben Shimshon of Horodno, author of the Imrei Shefer, and ...
LOTTO 10: Commentary on the Torah by Rabbeinu Yakov, the Ba'al HaTurim, Published as a separate sefer, Venice 1544 Pirush Ha'Torah of Rabbeinu Yakov ben Ha'Rosh (Rabbeinu Asher), the Ba'al HaTurim (1269-1343) is a commentary with parparaos, gematrios, and heartwarming explanations, Venice 1544. This ...
LOTTO 11: Chamishah Chumshei Torah with Targum Yonason ben Uziel, Basel 1606-1607. Extremely Rare Edition! Chamishah Chumshei Torah with the Haftoros and peirushim, Rashi, Chizkuni and Ba'al Ha'Turim. At the end of the Sefer, there is Targum Yonason and Megilas Esther, which is attributed to the ...
LOTTO 12: Tanach, Frankfurt (Oder) 1595 – a magnificent copy with original bindingOne of the first Hebrew books printed in Frankfurt! This edition includes the Five Books of the Torah along with the Five Megillos, the Nevi’im (both Former and Latter), and the Kesuvim, all meticulously vowelized ...
LOTTO 13: Stunning copy of Complete Tanach set Basel 1618/1619 - Original Vellum Binding Complete two-volume set of Mikraos Gedolos includes Torah, Nevuim and Ksuvim. with seder Haftorahs. The set has Targum Onkelos, Rashi, Even Ezra, Ba'al Haturim, Masorah, Radak, Ralbag, Rabbi Yeshaya, and the ...
LOTTO 14: Magnificent Tanach Amsterdam 1705 - Gilt Edging - Exquisite artistic drawings Masterpiece!!! Second title page with red ink; additional title pages for Nevi'im and Kesuvim with decorated frames. Tanach with Latin explanations in the margins, preface by Everardo van der Hooght, the last ...
LOTTO 15: Sefer Tehillim, Wittenberg 1575 - an excellent copy! Tehillim, vowelized, printed by John Kraetan, Wittenberg 1576. At the beginning of the sefer, dedication words were printed in Latin to the Prince of Saxony, as well as a poem in Latin about the virtue of reciting Tehillim. On the title ...
LOTTO 16: Sefer Ibur Shanim, known as Tikun Yissaschar, Venice 1579 Sefer Ibur Shanim - Tikun Yissaschar, contains the minhagim and halachos of the Sephardic (Spanish expulsion) and North African communities, according to the Jewish calendar. It includes the seder Krias Ha'Torah, calculation of leap ...
LOTTO 17: Ohel Yakov Cracow 1599 - Rabbi Yaakov Koppelman of Brisk Sefer Ohel Yaakov, commentary on the Sefer Ha'Ikarim, written by Rabbi Yosef Albo. Printed at Yitzchok ben Aaron Prostitz printing house in Cracow 1599. Second edition. Title within wreathed and garlanded architectural arch. Numerous ...
LOTTO 18: Lev Avos, by Rabbi Shlomo Halevi Hazoken, Thessaloniki 1565 - First and rare edition Lev Avos, a profound exploration of the chapters of Tractate Avot, authored by Rabbi Shlomo Halevi Hazoken, rare first edition, Thessaloniki, 1565. This sefer enjoyed significant success, a noteworthy ...
LOTTO 21: Complete Magnificent Set - Tanach Venice 1521-1525 – Masterpieces of the Bomberg Printing Press! Hebrew Bible - Venice; Daniel Bomberg, 1521-1525 - 4 volumes Four titles: Pentateuch, Former Prophets, Latter Prophets, Writings. Initial words set in ornate woodcut borders. Daniel Bomberg ...
LOTTO 22: The copy of Gedolei Yisrael - Shu"t Maharam Galanti Venice 1608 - with the signature and annotations of the Boruch Ta'am and more Sefer Shu"t Maharm Galanti, written by Rabbi Moshe Galanti of Tzfas, distinguished student of R. Yosef Karo, and received smichah from him. Venice 1608. ...
LOTTO 23: Historic: Ksav Ha'chtarah of the Gaon Ba'al Nesivos Ha'Mishpat of Lisa 1816 - Signed by the Rabbanim of Lisa. After we at Atikim Auction House publicized in previous sale the letter from the Nesivos Ha'Mishpat, to the heads of the Lisa Kehilla, about the humiliating behavior of some members of ...
LOTTO 24: Beis Ya'akov – The original manuscript of the famous work by the "Nesivos" – with comments and changes in the handwriting of the author! "Beis Ya'akov" on the laws of Kesubos (Even Ha-Ezer siman 66 - 118), by Rabbi Ya'akov Lorberbaum Rabbi of Lissa, author of "Nesivos Hamishpat" and "Chavas ...
LOTTO 25: A legal decision from the Beit Din of Prague, bearing the signature of the renowned Gaon Rabbi Leib Fischels, dated the 7th of Cheshvan, 1773. The matter concerns the bride Mirl Mwahli, and a legal decision from Rabbi Meir Rotbard of Pilzn, The Beit Din of Prague confirms the ruling. The ...
LOTTO 26: The Foundation to Lomdos - Shu”t Sha’agas Aryeh's, Frankfurt (Oder) 1756 First Edition Sefer Shu”t Sha’agas Aryeh by Ha’Gaon Rabbi Arye Leib Gunzburg, Rav of Volozhin and Metz. He was known as 'Reb Leib Rosh Yeshiva'. Frankfurt an der Oder 1756. First Edition. This is a complete edition. ...
LOTTO 27: Sefer Ha'flah U'Machaneh Levi, Offenbach 1801, First Edition. with stamp of Rabbi Chananya Lipa Meisels of Premisla Sefer Ha'Makneh on maseches Kiddushin is the second volume of sefer Ha'flah authored by Ha'Gaon Rabbi Pinchos Ha'Levi Horowitz AB”D Frankfurt. It was published with the sefer ...
LOTTO 28: Yeshuos Ya'akov, Zolkiev 1828 - glosses in the handwriting of the great gaon Rabbi Meir Leibish Malbim that were never printed! Yeshuos Ya'akov, commentary on the Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim, first part on Siman 1 to 241 by the Rabbi Ya'akov Orenstein Rabbi of Lvov, Zolkiev 1828 - first ...
LOTTO 29: Sefer ‘Ponim Me'iros’ with Signatures of the revered Rabbi Zvi Hirsch of Liska and his friend, the esteemed Gaon, author of ‘Kitzur Shulchan Aruch’ Sefer ‘Ponim Me'iros’, Volume Three, Responsa, Innovations, and Explanations on Tractates Kiddushin and Beitzah, by the eminent Rabbi Meir ...
LOTTO 30: The personal Ramba"m of the revered Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Iger, annotated with his handwritten glosses Rambam, Seder Noshim, Diharenfurt 1810 - Numerous annotations (57 הגהות, mostly long) by the esteemed Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Iger, NOT YET PRINTED The 'Galionot' of Rabbi Shlomo, known as the ...
LOTTO 31: Teshuvos Rabbi Akiva Eiger Warsaw 1835 - First Edition - The copy belonged to Feivel’s Beis Medrash in Brisk Teshuvos Rabbi Akiva Eiger, Piskei halacha and two Droshos from his sefer Drush V’Chidush, Warsaw 1835. First Edition First Sefer Rabbi Akiva Eiger printed! The sefer was ...
LOTTO 32: Letter of Ha’Gaon Rabbi Akiva Sofer the Da’as Sofer – begging for help during the holocaust 1943 A letter from Ha’gaon Rabbi Akiva Sofer Ba’al Da’as Sofer, to Ha’Gaon Yehuda Leib Gurowitz Rav in Melbourne, Australia, begging for financial help for his yeshivah and thanking for prior ...
LOTTO 33: Copy of the Holy Gaon and Tzadik Rabbi Amram Chasida - Tefilla L'Moshe by Ha'Gaon Rabbi Moshe Almosnino Cracow 1820 On the flyleaf there is an inscription: this sefer authored by Rabbi Moshe Almosnino, was given to me as a gift by my brother-in-law-law HaGaon Rabbi Amram … and signed Moshe ...
LOTTO 34: Shu"t Mahar'i Assad, with glosses of the famous Gaon Rabbi Feivel Flaut – including a mention of a halachic decision of his Rebbe the Chasam Sofer. Shu't Mahar'i Assad (Yehuda Ya'ale), Part II on Choshen Mishpat and Even Haezer, by the Gaon Rabbi Yehuda Assad, Pressburg 1880. First Edition. ...
LOTTO 35: Letter of Ha'Gaon Rabbi Dovid Deutch, author of Ohel Dovid 1829 Halachic query from Ha’Gaon Rabbi Dovid Deutch AB”D Neustadt author of Ohel Dovid, to his friend Ha’Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Leib Koider AB”D Prague. The letter contains Rabbi Dovid’s comments regarding the sefer Ahavas Emes by Rabbi ...
LOTTO 36: Discovery! The composition of the Hagahos of the Maharam Shik on the sefer 'Mitzvos Hashem' — large portions not previously printed The sefer Mitzvos HaShem by Rabbi Boruch son of Zvi Hirsch Heilperin of Skahl, stands as one of the most beloved commentaries on mitzvos among the great ...
LOTTO 37: Rabbi Natan Adler's personal Gemara Masesches Bochoros with many notes in his holy handwriting Talmud Bavli, Maseches Bechoros, (Frankfurt 1720), personal copy of the legendary Rabbi Nossan Adler, who studied in it from beginning to end, as evident from the glosses in his handwriting ...
LOTTO 38: Remarkable Discovery! - One-of-a-Kind Manuscript Page by the Holy Chasam Sofer, quoting the words of the Gaon of Vilna! And the only time he brings the words of the holy Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Barditchev! A handwritten page by the Chasam Sofer, features between others the Holy Rabbi Levi ...
LOTTO 39: "Whatever you turn to, you will be successful and will profit" Special brochos from the Desher Rebbe Rabbi Menachem Mendel Panet 1880 A unique handwritten letter with many brochos dated Erev Yom Kippur from the Desher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Panet Ba'al Ma'aglei Tzedek, to his nephew ...
LOTTO 40: KABBALAH - Zohar Chai (Komarno) – Premishla, 1878 – First Edition Zohar Chai, on Shmos part 1, commentary to the Zohar based on Kabbalah and Chassidut, by the kabbalist Rebbe Yitzchak Eizik Yehuda Yechiel Safrin, Rabbi of Komarno, author of Heichal HaBerachah. Premishla (Przemyśl), 1878. First ...
LOTTO 41: Segulah - A sacred manuscript by the holy Rebbe of Komarno A single-page manuscript, written on both sides, by Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Yehuda Yechiel of Komarna ZY”A. Provides innovations on the Mishnayot of tractate Kilayim at the conclusion of the 5th chapter. Within this holy manuscript lies ...
LOTTO 42: A treatise on the Shabbat HaGadol sermon, in-depth Torah discourse on the topic of loans with collateral. In the holy handwriting of the esteemed Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch of Liska, one of the leaders of the Chassidic community in Hungary. Six pages written on three sheets. 207 lines.
LOTTO 43: Handwritten discourse on the sugya d'chadash by Rabbi Zvi Hirsh of Liska Handwritten double-sided paper by Ha'Gaon Rabbi Zvi Hirsh of Liska with a profound pilpul on sugya d'chadash. This discourse is printed in Sefer Ha'yashar V'ha'tov Vol. one pg. 28b Ha'Gaon Rabbi Zvi Hirsh of Liska ...
LOTTO 44: Amulet for protection from Rabbi Meir of Premishlan Top protection of a proven amulet for guarding a woman giving birth, was blessed by the world famed sage and tzaddik, who worked wonders to help people, Rabbi Meir of Premishlan. This amulet was in the possession of the Rabbi's grandson ...
LOTTO 45: Letter of Blessings from the esteemed Rabbi Yoel of Shatz founder of the Shatz dynasty, son-in-law of the holy Rabbi Meir of Premishlan, – Shatz 1885 Concluding the letter, the Rebbe bestows upon him heavenly blessings: '..May the Master of Peace send him abundance of blessings and success ...
LOTTO 46: Parshiyos of the Tefillin d'Rabeinu Tam owned by the grand holy Rebbe the Sar Shalom of Belz - The first Belzer Rav! The sublime holiness of these Parshiyos is priceless. Owned by great a Rebbe the holy Sar Shalom of Belz ZY"A. The provenance of these holy Parshiyos follow a very ...
LOTTO 47: Chassidus. First Edition - Tiferes Hatzvi Zolkiew 1803 Tiferet HaTzvi, a commentary on Tractate Beitzah, and "Kerem Shlomo, " a work with several profound approaches to the Talmud and halakhic rulings, by Rabbi Uziel Meizlish. Printed by his brother and successor Rabbi Yitzchok Meizlish and ...
LOTTO 48: CHABAD - Torah Ohr by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, Kapust 1837 - First Edition Sefer Torah Ohr, focused on the Chumashim of Bereishis and Shemos, also delves into the significance of Chanukkah and Purim. Edited by the Tzemach Tzedek, it was brought to print by Rabbi Aharon Alexander of ...
LOTTO 49: Eitz Shasul, Venice 1618 - Signed Copy of the Chesed L'Avraham of Radomsk Sefer Ha'ikrim, by Rabbi Yosef Albo of Spain, explains the main principles and foundations of Emunah. With commentary Eitz Shasul by Rabbi Gedalya Lipshitz. Venice 1618. Bears the approbations of the Maharsha (Rabbi ...
LOTTO 50: A Letter Full of Blessings with the Sacred Signature of Kodesh HaKodoshim, the Rebbe Reb Zvi Hirsh HaCohen of Rimanov A sacred letter, filled with wonderful blessings and salvations, from the great Rabbi Zvi Hirsh Ha'Cohen of Rimanov, ZY”A – known by all as “Rebbe Reb Hirsh of Rimanov”– ...
LOTTO 51: ‘Korban Asham’ with signatures and comments of the holy Gaon Rabbi Meir Avraham of Tshaba, author of 'Pri Tzadik' The sefer ‘Korban Asham’ contains novelties on many tractates of the Talmud, by the Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak son of Shimshon Shacharlish, who served as a Dayan in Pressburg. It was ...
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