תשלום עבור פריטים יתבצע עד עשרה ימים מתום המכירה. עלות שליח עד הבית - 40 שקלים, במכירה זו לא יתאפשר משלוח בדואר רשום. , פריטים שגודלם חריג או משקלם עולה על 2 קילוגרם מצריכים פניה לבית המכירות לצורך בירור עלות המשלוח. עלות משלוחים לחו"ל בתיאום מראש מול בית המכירות. תמונות גדולות עם זכוכית לא יישלחו על ידי בית המכירות.
LOTTO 1: Unidentified artist - oil on canvas, "Prayer in the Synagogue", net dimensions - 50/70. No signature found. Paint peeling, a hole on the right side in the lower half (the praying mantelpiece)
LOTTO 2: A large porcelain vase, decorated with high quality hand painting, war scenes, also decorated with gilding in various patterns. signed Dimensions - 41/24 cm
LOTTO 4: An old Chinese knife, apparently used to open letters, handle and sheath made of bronze, decorated with reliefs in the form of dragons and various decorations. signed Length - 18 cm
LOTTO 10: Large porcelain vase. and impressive, sculpted in the form of vegetation and flowers. Decorated with hand painting and gold. Dimensions - 48/23 cm. signed.
LOTTO 13: Marc Chagall - limited edition print with a certificate of authenticity signed by an authorized hand and numbered. As far as we understand, the picture is not signed by the artist, but in a box, since the current edition came out after the artist's death. Net dimensions - 67/52 cm
LOTTO 14: Yellow patch, Bulgarian Jews. authentic. Dimensions 3.5/3. Attached is an explanation of the appearance of the tolls in the various European countries.
LOTTO 19: Unidentified artist - oil painting on canvas - "Marilyn Monroe", an old painting of a very high standard, large and with presence. Dimensions 112/90 cm
LOTTO 21: A Chinese urn decorated with reliefs of figures and traditional patterns. Includes various captions in the Chinese language. Oversized and heavy... height - 37 cm, top diameter - 20 cm. Good general condition. There may be minor defects.
LOTTO 25: Daum Nancy style glass lamp. Made of brown glass, decorated with reliefs in different patterns. Works properly, lights both in the lower part and in the upper part. Signed Daum Nancy France. Height - 46 cm
LOTTO 27: An ancient European painting, oil on mesonite, a figure of a learned rabbi, decorated with a tallit and tefillin. Signed with an artist's signature on the front and a certificate of authenticity on the back. Net dimensions - 31/41 cm, including frame - 38/48 cm. Paint peeling exists, see ...
LOTTO 29: A pair of antique European porcelain jugs. Decorated with high-quality hand painting and gold, signed years, height - 40 cm. A crack in the base of one, peeling paint (photographed).
LOTTO 34: An ancient Kabbalistic Jewish silver amulet. Hand-engraved initials of a passage from one of the Torah passages. signed. Dimensions - 10/4 cm
LOTTO 35: Antique French wooden doll, sfbj paris (signed), entirely carved in wood by hand. Height - 21 cm. Needs a significant restoration, missing hair, very worn clothes, various paint peelings.
LOTTO 36: A pair of decorative items, made of porcelain combined with bronze (base, side handles with upper teeth) decorated with high-quality hand painting, side handles made of a mythological animal figure, very well preserved condition. Height - 51 cm.
LOTTO 37: An ancient head of Buddha, made of wood, carved by hand, according to the owner, it was dismantled from an ancient monastery. Connected to a compatible base. Height including base - 72 cm, net height - 41 cm. Color peeling and various signs of age, please pay close attention to the photos.
LOTTO 39: Miriam Haskell - Necklace. Length: 39 cm Miriam Haskell was an American jewelry designer born on July 1, 1899, in Indiana, and passed away in 1981. She was renowned for her handcrafted jewelry, characterized by elegant designs, high-quality materials, and collaborations with designers like ...
LOTTO 40: Miriam Haskell - Necklace. Length: 59 cm Miriam Haskell was an American jewelry designer born on July 1, 1899, in Indiana, and passed away in 1981. She was renowned for her handcrafted jewelry, characterized by elegant designs, high-quality materials, and collaborations with designers like ...
LOTTO 46: Pierre Casanova - PIERRE CASENOVE- (20th century) large gilded candlestick made of solid cast iron coated with gold, in the center a figure of a heart and above it a bird. An important artist. Height 42 cm, signed. Different color peels.
LOTTO 49: A statue in the form of a Chinese warrior, made of handmade wood, decorated with hand painting and various engravings. Height - 46 cm. A number of defects and deficiencies, see all the latest photos (on a white background)
LOTTO 50: A Chinese wooden box, decorated with patterns made of mother-of-pearl inlay. Dimensions - 40/27/10 cm. Deficiencies in inlays and peeling paint (see last two photos for the main defects) it is necessary to break open the box (does not open)
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